What a fun and beautiful place this is becoming! I am excited.
Let me know if you want a tour.
Things continue to move along at Ridgeview. More sheeting on the roof is being done as the rafters are all in place now including over some of the outside areas.
The roof at Ridgeview is pretty dramatic, with tall soaring areas, skylights and other detailing.
It is pretty exciting as I really had not grasped how beautiful the spaces are from the plans.
It looks like we should achieve being basically weathered in by the end of November.
These skylights are quite a ways up!
The foundation has been excavated for the shop/work area as well. Ideally that will also be formed and poured in the next month as well.
The lower floor is now completely framed and sheeted. Floor joists should be complete tomorrow for the final level.
In this photo the framing crew is working away while a fire hydrant and water are being installed as well.
The fire hydrant!
Windows are being cut into the sheeting in this photo. Things like flooring, cabinet colors, counters, roofing and the selection of stone for use a few places are on the list to be completed soon, so they can be ordered in time to keep things moving along!
The foundation is back filled and preparation for the slab is nearly complete. Some plumbing needs to be added, and then the slab can be poured. After that, wood should start going into the air!
Meanwhile, things like water, power, etc are being worked on to be brought up to the project.
Here are photos from this morning:
Here is what was happening at the Ridgeview Place site today. Actual construction!