The Brave Warrior Project is beginning their Adult Enrichment Program in Chelan starting October 17th.
From BWP: “As of now, with our staff schedules, we will be offering Tuesdays & Thursdays 9am-12pm! We have hired one staff for the program and I will be helping out as well! In the future, with more staff and more participant growth we can add more days and afternoons!”
The programs will be offered at the Brave Warrior location adjacent to Ridgeview Place.
If you are interested, simply contact the Brave Warrior Project:
P.O. Box 3221
Wenatchee, WA
Phone Number 509-888-0902
Hi my name is Lindsey I am 35 years old living with a disability but I am high functioning. I love too learn more about this place I am looking for a independent living for special needs adults. I would like a roommate and if it’s possible I would love too visit and try it out.
Thank you for your inquiry. With the goal of keeping it easier to manage, we are seeking all male residents for Ridgeview.
Again, thank you.
Al Lorenz